Saturday, March 10, 2007

101 Continued again

Just thought of some more

26. I really like watching highschool basketball, particularly in southern Alberta, those boys can play.
27. Growing up I spent a lot of weekends out at my uncle howards, he cowboyed in the porcupine hills and I would go out and ride and work with him. Those are some of my best childhood memories.
28. When I was little instead of reading a standard bed time story I would insist that my parents read to me from the encyclopedia of mammals. Like I said I am a nerd.
29. I need glasses but I refuse to wear them, I just find them way to uncomfortable.
30. I know nothing about cars other than how to drive them.
31. Whenever we travel as a family I drive, I would rather do that than fetch and carry for the kids.
32. I never pictured myself getting my masters in environmental and natural resource law, but the more I think about the more excited I get.
33. I sold insurance for a living, I liked it.
34. I have worked in the basement in almost all of the places that I have been employed.
35. Working for the Yellowhead Tribal Council was the best job I ever had, but it only lasted for a summer.
36. I have always been a bit of a loner, but the friends that I have I would do anything for.
37. My extended family is very important to me.
38. I would rather travel to a great city than to a resort, Paris over Cabo San Lucas every time.
39. I think it is unwise to trust people too easily.
40. I am much less coordinated than I seem.
41. When I was a kid I kept a book in my desk at school to read when I finished my work, a particular favorite was Asterix and Obelix (preffereably translated from the original French).
42. I hope my kids work harder in school than I did.I am going to take a break from this and maybe do some acutal posts.


Krista said...

WHAT?!!?! One of our parents read to you at bed time? I remember an occasionally lullaby - no reading though. And yes Michael, you were a geek. But heck, you turned out alright anyway. ;)

Unknown said...

gald to see you in the bloggin world, Ryan will enjoy reading your blog as I think he isn't as into all the girly ones. Can I add you to my link?

Michael said...

Sure that sounds fine. Personally I enjoy reading the blogs of families that I know very easy way to find out whats going on.